Integrity and  GDPR

It has probably not escaped you that there is a new regulation that came into force on May 25, 2018. It concerns the handling of personal data. Strömstad Academy, 802442-9287 with address 45280 Strömstad, is an organization with about 100 members. In order to be able to keep in touch with the members, send out notices, newsletters and more, we have a list of names, titles, appointment dates, addresses, telephone numbers and e-mails. In cases where members themselves have submitted information describing date of birth, academic qualifications etc., we have also registered this. We handle this information with care. We have never and will never sell information to any third party. We guarantee that we will not pass your information on to anyone without first contacting you and obtaining your consent. You can find out what information we have about you at any time, have it corrected or deleted.

You should always feel safe when you provide your personal data to us and we ensure that your personal data is processed in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation, GDPR.

If for any reason you no longer want to be included in our register of members of Strömstad Academy, we ask you to send an email to with the subject "Unregister" and we will immediately remove the information that you requested to be removed.

Ethical policy

Our ethical policy was adopted in 2024. DOWNLOAD IT HERE